Tuesday 26 January 2016

Helical Gear (Introduction)

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Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hi readers :)

So today i want to extend about Gear topic, which i have posted in previous about Spur Gear, if you have not read about spur gear topic, you may read here.

As before i mentioned, gear having man kind and modifications shape, and for continue previous topic, today i will explain about other kind of gear, that is *Helical Gear*.

Is anyone has knew what helical gear is ? in fundamentally, all kind of gears actually having same functions but all of them has difference in their gear tooth.

And we could say spur and helical gear just has difference in their each gear tooth, if spur gear has straight gear tooth, but or helical gear's teeth like oblique or spiral adjusting with it name.

So the questions is, why they have difference teeth, and reason to make difference modification tooth ? 

In quality of spur gear and helical gear, helical gear has more efficient and makes more thrusts than spur gear in cases helical gear could produces more quick rotations than spur gear, but accordingly with it quality, make one helical gear exceptionally difficult.

That was really hard to make a helical gear, cause helical gear's precision most accurate than spur gear, spiral or oblique teeth shape made helical gear must be in exact gauge, precision cannot be ignore for helical gear.

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And other modification of helical gear, they were also using as changer motion direction, and those helical called *Bevel Gear*. Bevel gear has 2 engagement of helical gears (sometimes spur gear also can became bevel gear) and 2 those gears will connecting in 90 degree annular each other.

Usually bevel gear using inside our vehicle, like change direction from transmission into wheels or any stuff which needed to changes their direction purposely.

I think enough for this topic, for the next i am trying to post about gears works flow chart and computational about gear.

Thanks ^_^


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