Tuesday 26 January 2016

Chassis Of Vehicle

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hi readers ^^

It has been long time no post anything from last December, and here we are already in new year 2016. Alright, today i will post one topic relating with my task in next semester (semester 6th), about "Vehicle Frame" or commonly in mechanical engineering called as "Chassis".

Chassis was a fundamental of all vehicles, it is like a skeleton in our body, this is cause why chassis is also important component for a vehicle cause this component will holding weight of whole attachment components such main machine, body, and also passengers inside vehicle.

Looks simple and easy, but in reality to make this one, need more calculations which very elaborate and expert in precision. Maybe the main element of compute such a chassis is "Construction Analysis", like stress-strain analysis, materials choices, suspensions, and else.

I think, to explain it more detail need more many pages of this blog, so i upload some journals about "Chassis Design" here :

15-02319Erik Olofsson…ort.pdf
 Chassis 2002-01-3300D…sis.pdf


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