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Tuesday 26 January 2016


Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hi readers :D

have you seen excavator in anyplace ? surely we have often seen this, in the building construction at our city, in the construction bridges, streets and buildings constructions everywhere.
We must realized how important excavator for us mostly for our developments building, it was became helper for all engineers to crates infrastructure in every places.

But have you thought about how excavator can works ? with their big arm can carries a ton of material, how great it is right. But if you have not know about it, i swear you should be suprised and shocking if excavator's arm system actually using fluid or water as arm mover and this system has named "Hydraulic System" which just using fluid as main elements to making motions into machinery.

So today we will recognize about "Hydraulic System", first you are have to knowing Hydraulic system not just using in excavator, but if you aware it, actually hydraulic system has using in every stuff like within airplane or aerospace region, door's system using hydraulic, motor hydraulic, brake system, and many else which has application hydraulic system.

We had knew it, in our world water and other fluid has really big dominated for us, for proof, you can not to ignore it, in our big earth, surface and also inside it, water is be number ,1 element which mostly amounts. and from over earth we just can see earth seems like big blue sphere which represents water as a big domination in our world, around 332,500,000 cubic miles (mi3) (1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers (km3)) water inside the earth including all things has water within them. this was a reason why water is really important become alternative thing cause, in each horizon of our world, we must met with water in everyplace. So hydraulic concept must be exact choice for our to make our technology in engineering more advance in simple way.

okay lets move one into hydraulic explains,

Hydraulic system has a simple concept. A hydraulic drive system is a drive or transmission system that uses pressurized hydraulic fluid to power hydraulic machinery. The term hydrostatic refers to the transfer of energy from flow and pressure.
A fundamental feature of hydraulic systems is the ability to apply force or torque multiplication in an easy way, independent of the distance between the input and output, without the need for mechanical gears or levers, either by altering the effective areas in two connected cylinders or the effective displacement (cc/rev) between a pump and motor. In normal cases, hydraulic ratios are combined with a mechanical force or torque ratio for optimum machine designs such as boom movements and trackdrives for an excavator

Let me explain how hydraulic system does in really simple, (but actually this concept has earnest simple -_-) so first we have knew how water or fluid has form or structure where their particle unlike gases or solid stuff (metal, iron, steel),  water or other liquid has similar characteristic where all fluid if got any pressure from outside, their molecule were not become dispersed like gases or not be hard and tough like solid, but they will move to another place where not caught by pressure, in case you can term it into real stuff like two syringes connected each other and within it has filled with water.
At above you can see, that is hydraulic system can works, just using any liquid can make motion each stuff and gives some power for movements. And this concept has applications in that big arm excavator and other machinery.


A Fundamental of this concept has ever used in past to made a robotic hydraulic and this inventions made record as be the first robot has ever made. And cause this inventions, everyone in that era begins to makes something using water or other fluid as helper to creates mechanics structural.

Al-Jazari (1260) more early than Da vinci who famous as be the first inventor of robot, he was invented a robot had function as entertainer for a kingdom, and this robot can makes an instrumental music just used concept of hydraulic that means just using water as mover of his robot, cause his accomplishment, he got named as "Father of Robotic". 

Change from side topic to main topic, Hydraulic concept making our world development advancing more and more, like now we can made a big building where has more than 200 floors and if we didn't using hydraulic pump to transfers material like cement mortar to top building, we can't build any big constructions. And also as i mentioned before about robotic using hydraulic, until now this system still using and that application we can see like excavator, or really high technology robot.


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Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hi readers :)

Today i want to post about engineering tool and system, and it has similar with previous topic which explains about Hydraulic, that is about *Pneumatic*.

Still remember about hydraulic system ? where a tool or cylinder could makes motion cause pressure from liquid, like water or oil. And much of hydraulic system using in engineering heavy machinery like excavator arm. For reminder you, you can read article about hydraulic system here.

And obviously our topic today has relations with hydraulic system, Pneumatic and Hydraulic basically has same system in works, but just different in mover element.

So anyone here has knew what is mover element for Pneumatic system within their cylinder ?
if hydraulic system using liquid like water and oil but in pneumatic commonly they were used "Air" for their auxiliary.

This was really similar cause have same function between them, to force push piston within cylinder an with *If hydraulic with liquid and for pneumatic with air.

Okay i will explain from who is invented this system, pneumatic system

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Firstly, actually Pneumatic system has been applied by ancient or primitive people since long time ago, primitive people using pneumatic system on their weapon, that was Traditional Dart Gun, anyone has knew about it right ? of course pneumatic system apply when they blow their dart wits some tiny pipe made from any plants, and can throwing dart to out from pipe.

And same with pneumatic usually using in engineering like brake system within any heavy vehicle, they were used air and push or press a piston to makes foward motion.

As you see at above, that is one of cylinder which using pneumatic system, almost same with hydraulic, how pneumatic work into cylinder, when some air has through some process and became more press, then those air will push piston inside cylinder and makes motion for piston.

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When i said, they were has little difference, hydraulic without any proccess could makes liquid in the first condition could push piston, but in pneumatic where air in first condition or pure state should be through any proccess before that component can pushes  a piston.

That is picture explains about Pneumatic system, so first step is air will be pass whole those proccess, section by section from air over atmosphere will draws by compressor, then cooler as helper to make air already has high temperature to low temperature cause any devices will be broke if high air temperature pass their components, and separator as filter, separator will separates and splits air and any tiny spoiler if air still has any like dust or else, it could makes obstacle for piston cause any dust or anything can makes any scratch in wall of cylinder or piston. Control Valve will controlling by someone and actuator is cylinder has piston inside it.

Okay i think enough for this topic,
Maybe you have any question want to ask, just ask to me with comment below or contact me at above.

Thanks :)

Spur Gear (Introduction)

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Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hi readers ^_^

My lecturer has gave me a task to make a presentation about 'Spur Gear' include with Flow chart about spur gear, so this topic literally like preparation before i take into real paper and real presentation, and i thought there is no harm if i could post this topic here :).
So for the first, i just want to explain about what is spur gear and about each parts on spur gear. And for the part 2, i will post about spur gear computational, there was so many of precision computational, so maybe it is kinda difficult but, i am struggling to comprehend it ^_^.

Okay we begin with "What is spur gear ?"

Actually, gear has many kind, and spur gear was one of them, for example else gears beside spur gear, like worm gear, crown gear, bevel gear, spiral gear, helical gear and still many gear with has added any modification from other *not standard gear.

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On one spur gear, there are has several particular parts, where entire parts must be precision cause if one gear has not precision gauge, absolutely each gears perhaps will can't works cause any gears in wrong measure.

Okay so i will explains each of spur gear parts, 

1. Gear Tooth

Gear tooth was mots important part on a gear, cause without it a gear indeed can't to works and makes rotation motion cause gear tooth has function to makes a link to each all of gear in one mesh, if only just one gear tooth broken or became fractured and within that mesh each other gears will has not interaction. And not just that, if one of tooth having little wrong measure or fails precision gauge, obviously that gear can't works correctly.

2. Pitch Point

Pitch point or pitch line could called as a point where two tooth's side met each others, and that both touched till gear tooth didn't has some gap in their sides, and that point called *Pitch Point*.

3. Addendum and Dedendum

  • Addendum is a part of the top from pitch point, and addendum has included in tooth's region.
  • Dedendum is reversed with addendum where dedendum is bottom part from pitch point.

And in generally, those 3 parts on a gear as determiner a gear could work in properly or not, cause such i said before "Gear was about precision measure and compute"

i think enough for part 1 and i will extend part 2 for spur gear computational.
if you have any question want to ask, just leave it into comment below or contact me at above.
Thanks :)

Helical Gear (Introduction)

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Assalamualaikum wr wb
Hi readers :)

So today i want to extend about Gear topic, which i have posted in previous about Spur Gear, if you have not read about spur gear topic, you may read here.

As before i mentioned, gear having man kind and modifications shape, and for continue previous topic, today i will explain about other kind of gear, that is *Helical Gear*.

Is anyone has knew what helical gear is ? in fundamentally, all kind of gears actually having same functions but all of them has difference in their gear tooth.

And we could say spur and helical gear just has difference in their each gear tooth, if spur gear has straight gear tooth, but or helical gear's teeth like oblique or spiral adjusting with it name.

So the questions is, why they have difference teeth, and reason to make difference modification tooth ? 

In quality of spur gear and helical gear, helical gear has more efficient and makes more thrusts than spur gear in cases helical gear could produces more quick rotations than spur gear, but accordingly with it quality, make one helical gear exceptionally difficult.

That was really hard to make a helical gear, cause helical gear's precision most accurate than spur gear, spiral or oblique teeth shape made helical gear must be in exact gauge, precision cannot be ignore for helical gear.

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And other modification of helical gear, they were also using as changer motion direction, and those helical called *Bevel Gear*. Bevel gear has 2 engagement of helical gears (sometimes spur gear also can became bevel gear) and 2 those gears will connecting in 90 degree annular each other.

Usually bevel gear using inside our vehicle, like change direction from transmission into wheels or any stuff which needed to changes their direction purposely.

I think enough for this topic, for the next i am trying to post about gears works flow chart and computational about gear.

Thanks ^_^